Abort test! Abort test!

By Lindsey - 24/05/2014 15:22 - United States

Today, I took my driving test. I had pulled out of my three point turn in a neighborhood and started driving again, thinking something wasn't quite right. The lady testing me looked over at me and said, "Sweetie, you're driving on the wrong side of the road." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 255
You deserved it 20 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It's clear "Sweetie" you didn't pass the test try again

The first time I took my test, I was at the very last part of it and ended up at a red light for the longest 15 seconds of my life to make a left hand turn. i turned into the center turn lane because I had gotten so nervous... I looked at the woman grading me and said "that wasn't right, was it?" hahaha Omg I hated myself better luck next time, OP.

Don't worry OP the rest of your gender can't drive either! (Women)

txrezaian 2

Guess what! When I took mine the lady failed me because I stopped for a Jay walker already crossing the road! Sorry next time I'll run the person over -_- don't worry I know the feels

i mean,where u confused or intoxicated?? had to be one of those....just saying.

For the sake of (good) drivers I'm glad you have not got that license yet, knowing which side of the side to drive on is kinda essential

well you only get out what you put in...

1jordan1 11

Lol I'm sorry OP. you definitely need more practice if you couldn't figure that out on your own, though. That shouldn't be a mistake you ever make. Practice some more, gain some more experience and you'll be a better driver when you hit the roads yourself anyway!

1jordan1 11

That's not a ****** up system. They want to make sure you're going to be a responsible driver. I don't want to be on the road with y one year old niece an four year old nephew if I know some cocky teenager who thinks he can do what he wants whips out in front of me an cuts me off because he wasnt checking where he was going. If anything, the test needs to be more strict. In my state it does anyway.