
By Anonymous - 06/09/2022 19:00

Today, I saw some reddish-colored stuff on my finger after wiping my face. I thought it was blood at first, so I smelled it, then licked it, I don't know why the fuck I did that but anyways, I later realized I'd wiped off some of my eyeshadow and frickin ate it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 267
You deserved it 1 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like I have a spin-off of the Twilight franchise. Instead of vampires that suck blood, they lick eyelids. Team Edwin!!! He doesn't sparkle -- he has thousands of tiny LEDs mounted in his skin.

HokieJ 10

There are better ways to get your zinc and magnesium daily intake. They make a pill for that!


HokieJ 10

There are better ways to get your zinc and magnesium daily intake. They make a pill for that!

Sounds like I have a spin-off of the Twilight franchise. Instead of vampires that suck blood, they lick eyelids. Team Edwin!!! He doesn't sparkle -- he has thousands of tiny LEDs mounted in his skin.

And that's why make-up is always non toxic.