Am I being detained?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Canada - Chilliwack

Today, a police car hit my parked vehicle, likely due to icy road conditions. When the officer came over to talk to me, I assumed it was to give me his insurance information. Nope. It was to give me a ticket for "impeding a police officer." My car was in my driveway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 584
You deserved it 2 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a lawyer and sue him. It's highly unlikely that anything else would be successful.


if you go to court and try to tell them what actually happened it will actually probably go his way without hard evidence

You can go to the police station and complain all police cars have cameras always recording in the front and if he declines what happened they can pull up the footage and see what actually happened

Gotta love BC cops! The only place where a cop drinks and drives, kills a young man, then flees and drives home to take another shot and goes back to the scene only to get slapped with 12 months conditional sentence and no jail time. Your car shouldn't have been there obviously...

KaywinnetLeeFrye 15

If you don't sue him this turns into ydi

Just fight or sue him and then sue him for your legal fees..

How dare you park your car in your driveway. You should be ashamed of yourself and your disregard for our brave officers.