Bad women's anatomy

By BreechInEducation - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, my boyfriend informed me that he was a breech baby, which according to him meant that he born out of his mum's butthole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 224
You deserved it 1 027

Top comments

I guess this is just one of those things you believe as a kid and no one corrects you when you become an adult .

I think he meant to say that he was a food baby. Anyway he sounds like he's probably full of shit


I couldn't help but laugh. I'm sorry OP, but couldn't you just laugh as well and correct him?

I think he meant to say that he was a food baby. Anyway he sounds like he's probably full of shit

tiptoppc 19

the freckles on his chest is leftover dookie while being born.

SimoneTaylor1994 15

Somebody give this boy an education lmao.

I guess this is just one of those things you believe as a kid and no one corrects you when you become an adult .

Or this is one of those things that some kids believe but is EASILY corrected by a simple sex-ed class in middle school or high school. Either he didn't pay attention in school, or his school doesn't allow sex-ed classes and he is living proof of why they should reconsider.

10, I'm pretty sure you could find much better proof than that, no? I mean, one person not knowing something as minor as this isn't exactly life-alerting or even a cause for alarm. They're certainly not going to reconsider if this is your best evidence.

#14, I'm sensing you don't quite get the concept of exaggeration for comedic purposes, no? Someone getting all the way to adulthood without realizing that it is impossible for a baby to be shat out through the colon/anus is equal parts hilarious and tragic. Not cause for emergency, but also not "minor". This wasn't meant to be a serious debate, but if you want to go that route; One of the best arguments is the fact that teen pregnancy and STDs happen 60% more often in schools that teach "abstinence only" (or have no sex ed classes at all) instead of comprehensive sex education. (a star with the words "THE MORE YOU KNOW" trailing after it floats past...)

thinking that babies can be born out of a woman's arse is a pretty big thing to be wrong about...

By any chance was he using this during an argument, as a way to say that being an asshole wasn't his fault?

And soon. I wouldn't be surprised if he also thought you pee inside a girl to make a baby.

Lol, I was a breech baby. Luckily the doctor was able to flip me around before I was born, he had to do it twice as I just didn't want to stay the right way. Maybe he thinks this way because breech babies are often born bum/butthole first themselves? Sorry, but your boyfriend's misinformation is both hilarious and stupid. This is why comprehensive sex ed is needed and should be mandatory.

melana09 19

Well if you really like him then give him the correct information.