
By BigmouthStrikesAgain - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, after a tennis lesson, the coach was picking up the stray tennis balls around the court. Trying to be helpful, I asked him, "Do you want me to grab your ball bag?" His eyeballs almost burst out of their sockets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 418
You deserved it 8 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

latinking13 8

Lol it's not as bad as saying "do you want me to grab your ball sack"


OP... You need to watch how you say That got your coach going I bet.

jasminecooper 0

He's An idiot for having a dirty mind!

dacubs 1

Well... at least he didn't reply to you that your help was too hairy of a proposition

Tennis is full of innuendos. I used to have anger problems on the court and my coach took me aside one day to say, "You just need to put all of your energy into your balls!" Wonderful.