Bat out of hell

By goodeyesight - 11/10/2012 14:02 - Brazil - Sào Paulo

Today, I went on a blind date. Sadly, I wasn't blind enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 356
You deserved it 31 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

betseyville 6

I bet they weren't as ugly as your attitude.

How many hot 70-year olds have you ever seen? None, right? Yet, these people continue to be married because smart people understand that looks fade with time. After you become wrinkly, what's left over is your personality. And YOUR personality, sir, is downright hideous.


i imagen you put on sunglasses after "blind date", and a "yeah" after the "blind enough

I simply don't have a ******* clue what I just read.

OP, what kind of outcome do you expect when you jump onto a blind date? Clearly, you're not ready to go out & date anyone if you're just like "she's not hot, **** this, I don't want her." The fact that it's a blind date, prepare to try to get to know the person like most non shallow people do. Did you expect to be pitied on FML, because your date wasn't pretty enough? Assuming her personality didn't click with you then it'd be okay to not be satisfied with the date. But here it sounds like someone thinks they deserve better. But you probably don't if you're the jerk that you are coming off as. Take a long hard look at yourself in a mirror before judging.

A little more detail would've been nice. We'd have understood what was going on. Seriously, who moderated this crap?!?

KiddNYC1O 20

Oh man I'm sure this is late and will get thumbed down but the hulk comment seriously made me crack up. I re read it in his voice. Ahh such a great laugh thank you.

Fatty huh I refuse to go on blind dates without some sort of proof of appearance first all those 70 year old couples yes even my parents who have been married more than 35 yrs started with physical attraction ... There are some things a light switch, paper bag, and bottle of jack just won't fix ... Your blind date was apparently one of these

unknown_user5566 26

50- I have a hard time believing you go on dates, blind or not.

I love when we all gang up against wrong doers.

Lycanian 3

I'd say your last scraps of a CHANCE to find a good girl died with this FML.