Beam me up!

By saynotochrispine - 28/07/2009 04:15 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that we could try living out one of his fantasies. When I showed up ready to go, he began playing the theme song to Star Trek and asked me to call him Mr. Spock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 301
You deserved it 7 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your boyfriend is awesome and I will try to be just like him one day.


... I would so be up for that! Also, two words, my friend: Pon Farr. XD

likeOMGwow 0

I agree that is really sexy!! you'd have to be crazy not to think Mr. Spock is hot!! your boyfriend is the MAN. I'd go along with this in a second! Live long and prosper.

YES! i completly agree, that would totally make me so happy. :D i hope that happens to me someday.

OH GOD YES. pon farr baby. i would so be all over this. especially if he had the pointy ears... i love spock.

I like him too! Go along with his fantasies, and he'll go along with yours, yeah? Besides, it's SPOCK! You can pretend to be Kirk!

I like him too! Go along with his fantasies, and he'll go along with yours, yeah? Besides, it's SPOCK! You can pretend to be Kirk!

DeadMansCrack 4

I like him too! Go along with his fantasies, and he'll go along with yours, yeah? Besides, it's SPOCK! You can pretend to be Kirk!

Rauron 0

I like him too! Go along with his fantasies, and he'll go along with yours, yeah? Besides, it's SPOCK! You can pretend to be Kirk!

WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS??????? Chekov is so much hotter than Spock.

Seriously. That's more like MY fantasy! If only I had a boyfriend who would be up for that...

I think your boyfriend is awesome and I will try to be just like him one day.

Oh no, i feel for you. :/ Same thing happened to my friend, apart from it was Star Wars and she had to call her BF Luke Skywalker.

i guess after that she didn't play with Luke's lightsaber much

Be more inclined for Han Solo really ^_^ As to the Darth Maul comment, siths are HOT!

and he's still your boyfriend wow lol

Well.. On the bright side,just imagine if he was into pokemon. He'll be forcing you in and out of his pokeball at his wish..

kyasuriin 0

No way he can be as hot as Mr. Spock. But congrats for trying!

But just think: It's PERMISSION to fantasize you're having sex with ZQ! I think it's a win win situation.

HetaliaFreak 10
feelingblue 0

your boyfriend is cook:>

Did he give you the SPOCKER as opposed to the SHOCKER???

ashleymarielouis 0