Been there, done that

By hlewrn - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Centreville

Today, I broke up with my girlfriend for another girl. This other girl helped me break up with her so we could date. After it was all done, she promptly rejected me and in front of everyone, saying how much of a douche I was for leaving my girlfriend for another girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 113
You deserved it 34 819

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You two would have been perfect for each other; you both sound like douche-waffles.

Not gonna lie, you should never break up with one person for another. Reason? Because even if she did start dating you she would always suspect you of planning to break up with her. Sorry that she made you out to be an asshole but should have just broken up with your gf on your own and just waited a little while before going for that other girl.


How old are you because this whole situation sounds very childish

um guys guys listen. yall are criticising him for leaving his gf over another girl yet since he left her he clearly didnt love her anymore so you are saying he shoulda stayed with her even if he didn't love her anymore?

No one is saying he should have stayed if he was unhappy, but using the girl you're leaving her for to break up with your current gf, that's a dick move. Also, if you find yourself losing feelings for your current SO, and the situation can't be fixed, break up and move on before someone else enters the picture, don't waste their time. I know sometimes shit happens and you can develop feelings while still in a relationship with someone else, but often there's signs of relationship decay before anyone else comes along.

You never know when some other potential S.O. will come in to your life. I was dating one guy who was a total douchenozzle when I met my next BF. I would have put up with the douche for a lot longer had the other guy not come around and showed me that I can be treated better. I never cheated on the douche ( he cheated twice), and I was honest and told him I met someone better, but I never expected the situation to go that way.

Mathalamus 24

she has a point. how come you never saw this coming?

jnugzzz 6

I'd say there's a 90% chance that this girl and your ex were testing you. You failed.

I don't see how it could have gone down any other way, YDI and the damage to your reputation.

You all are a bunch of hypocritical say "I don't understand why people cheat, just break up with them and go out with the other person". But now you are saying "you shouldn't have broken up with someone for someone else"... Like no matter what he did in this situation he would get hate from all of you. And go ahead and dislike my comment already, we both now that this will be moderated pretty quickly

Actually, 42, most everyone has agreed with the break up. The bashing on OP comes from him having the new girl participate in breaking up with the girlfriend.

petert71 10

You're a douche for getting another girl to help you break up and for making it public.

Not really all that douchy, what you did was SO much better than letting her think things were going well and cheating behind her back. Respect. Girl #2 sounds like a c-word.