
By Anonymous - 12/03/2023 20:00 - United States

Today, I tried to impress our swim team coach by doing a complicated backflip from the diving board. I landed face-first in the pool and had to be rescued by the lifeguard, so I guess I won't be going to the Olympics any time soon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 265
You deserved it 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That could have ended so much worse: thankfully you are (mostly) ok! Please be more careful and don't do any risky moves to impress someone. I admit, I almost hit YDI, but a Poseidon Percussion/Triton Touchdown is punishment plenty.

Why would a swim team coach be impressed with a dive? Shouldn't you be trying to impress a diving coach? Nevertheless. Well, maybe the Olympics are out for you, but "America's Funniest Videos" could be your ticket to fame and wealth!


That could have ended so much worse: thankfully you are (mostly) ok! Please be more careful and don't do any risky moves to impress someone. I admit, I almost hit YDI, but a Poseidon Percussion/Triton Touchdown is punishment plenty.

Why would a swim team coach be impressed with a dive? Shouldn't you be trying to impress a diving coach? Nevertheless. Well, maybe the Olympics are out for you, but "America's Funniest Videos" could be your ticket to fame and wealth!