Best I can do is…

By Anonymous - 20/09/2021 05:00

Today, while working in my pawn shop, I was showing jewelry to a distinguished lady. I had to fart. I tried to wait. It was too much, so I let it slip silently. As she handled a $2000 necklace, I realized that the 2-foot counter between us would never save her from the foul poisonous cloud that had formed. She realized it too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 795
You deserved it 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you didn't shit your pants, which is the way most fart FMLs end. Don't worry, she'd wade through a cloud of brimstone to get a $10,000 necklace for $2k.

ElTorro5150 4

She’s jewelry shopping in a pawn shop, she isn’t that distinguished. And she probably expected some kind of stink anyway.


At least you didn't shit your pants, which is the way most fart FMLs end. Don't worry, she'd wade through a cloud of brimstone to get a $10,000 necklace for $2k.

Get a store dog or cat, then you can blame it on the pet lol.

ElTorro5150 4

She’s jewelry shopping in a pawn shop, she isn’t that distinguished. And she probably expected some kind of stink anyway.