Blame the pooch

By anamota89 - 11/05/2012 09:33 - United States

Today, I was on the phone with my boyfriend. I had to fart really badly, so thinking that he wouldn't hear me, I did so. He heard me and asked, "Did you fart?" I said "No, it was my dog." I don't have a dog, and he knows this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 337
You deserved it 32 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's wrong with a plain old "What? What are you talking about"? Is it too mainstream?

ddeathbombb 5


This is why teleosphresis ("smell-o-phone") will never be a successful invention.

KiddNYC1O 20

Kids should be playing with toys not dating. How old are you?


Loud and proud! Own it and stand up for farter's rights!

hereinnc 12

shhhh OP you are giving it away that girls fart!! We don't fart we pass rainbows and fairy dust! If he laughed he's a keeper! If he was disgusted.. well... Bodily functions happen.

How about u should have put the phone on mute-_-

lolmandi 9

If he's a good boyfriend, he'll get over it.

was it really a fart or you also shit a little?

KiddNYC1O 20

If likes you something so little will not bother him my gf farts in front of me I don't even care.

night_saint 5

You should've said yes. I would've laughed if I was the boyfriend.