
By Anonymous - 19/04/2023 06:00 - United States - Stafford

Today, I'm a hoarder, and my boyfriend has had enough. He asked if I wanted to save an empty orange juice jug. I know this is the end of our relationship and end of my life. I'm sorting through all my stuff and deciding what to throw away and what to give away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 354
You deserved it 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your life is not finished, it is restarting ! Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Now seek psychiatric help to leave those days behind you. Good luck !

I don’t think anyone is winning in this situation, honestly. You didn’t choose to drive him away and he probably didn’t imagine being unable to tolerate the hoarding. I’m just sorry it turned out this way. Maybe you can turn this into a wake-up call and seek help for your hoarding so your next relationship, if any, will be healthier?


I live with a hoarder. And I honestly don't understand it. His reasons are, that things can be used. And therefor, it is very important that they are stashed here and not being used. I mean, logic is really not the driving force. Get rid of everything you don't need or don't know exactly what and when you will use it.

If they *could* just “get rid of everything” they wouldn’t be hoarders. That’s sort of along the lines of telling someone with clinical depression to just be happy. Hoarding is a significant mental issue and often requires therapy to ease up.

I don’t think anyone is winning in this situation, honestly. You didn’t choose to drive him away and he probably didn’t imagine being unable to tolerate the hoarding. I’m just sorry it turned out this way. Maybe you can turn this into a wake-up call and seek help for your hoarding so your next relationship, if any, will be healthier?

Your life is not finished, it is restarting ! Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Now seek psychiatric help to leave those days behind you. Good luck !

Throw away the boyfriend and find one who will let you be you.

impish leprechaun420 2

yeah... no matter how self destructive it is, right? 😂🤡

Yes, maybe she can even bag a guy who saves his piss in jars. A girl can dream!

Hoarders tend to have mental illness which a lot of people don't know. Get psychiatric evaluation ASAP. The sooner, the better.

ODBeefalo 10

I grew up around hoarders and pack rats. The only difference between the two from what I saw was the usefulness of things they hoard. pack rats know the use, even if just generally, for the item they are keeping. hoarders just know there is a use, somehow, maybe. my advice is seek counseling, ask for help, and even have someone else toss the junk even if just to buy time and maybe save the relationship. as hard as it is, think about what exact use the item has, and if you can't, throw it away or sell it. Google is a great way to see if things have value, if no one buys it, probably best to throw it away if you don't have an exact use for it.

I don’t understand hoarders. trash is NOT useful. throw it out or you’ll end up on that show. disgusting that people want to live with trash and have teeny pathways to walk through their houses. no wonder he wants to leave. I would too