
By NotBridezilla - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Klamath Falls

Today, after waiting 3 months until my friend's wedding was done being celebrated, I announced my engagement. My newlywed friend bitched me out for "stealing" all of the attention and being selfish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 418
You deserved it 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be leery OP she sounds like the type of friend who would wear her wedding dress to your ceremony.

Mysterybounty 6


friedpwnadge 25

Looks like someone doesn't want to be invited to your wedding. Save some cake for me!

Because of your picture, I read this in a Zoidberg voice, and it actually worked out really well.

friedpwnadge 25

Zoidberg has been with me since the beginning and I shall never change him out.

Don't mind her OP, with a jealous woman like that your better off without her

Like, come on, seriously. It's not like someone is getting married EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. [obvious sarcasm is sarcastic] Sorry for you that your friend is such an attention-*****. Congratulations nonetheless!

Your newly wed friend sounds like an unsettling amount of high maintenance.

Unless you're engaged to her husband, I don't see what's the problem.

Be leery OP she sounds like the type of friend who would wear her wedding dress to your ceremony.

ber4fun 23

If she was a true friend the correct reaction would be for her to be happy for you, not unreasonable and jealous.

Tell her reality is life goes on after your wedding, and to positive position the reality for her is that its something special she can now focus on just solely between her and her new spouse. Overall though she's probably some attention ***** who needs to get over it.

why do you need to announce anything? just go to the courthouse and get married

Maybe they want to have a nice wedding and reception with the support and blessings from their family and friends.

There's always someone on wedding FMLs who has to interject their opinion on how the wedding should (or shouldn't) be done.

Some people get married for legal reasons only, but a lot of people want to stand in front of their friends and family to make that commitment. Announcing it in this case is kind of the purpose of getting married.

Your friend is a narcissistic bitch :)