Bugging out

By Anonymous - 07/11/2023 16:00 - Italy

Today, there's a guy in my class who I'm very attracted to. I'm hyperconscious of him for that, and I worry about the impression I give. By now though, there have been at least two different eye contact occasions that made it look like I was staring at him when I was NOT, and now I must look like a creepy stalker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 181
You deserved it 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You owe it to yourself to either make a move or move on. This inaction will only eat away at you emotionally and you will be more upset when he finds someone else, all because Noone made a move. Do not be locked into a traditional role of waiting on the guy to make the first move.

Weirdly enough, the best way to explain this away is to just ask him out. Even if he's not interested, he'll at least know your intentions were good.


You owe it to yourself to either make a move or move on. This inaction will only eat away at you emotionally and you will be more upset when he finds someone else, all because Noone made a move. Do not be locked into a traditional role of waiting on the guy to make the first move.

Weirdly enough, the best way to explain this away is to just ask him out. Even if he's not interested, he'll at least know your intentions were good.