
By you guys suck! - 27/12/2021 11:03

Today, I realized how absolutely shitty my family is when my brother brought home his third girlfriend this week. They all smiled in her face, knowing full well my brother is a cheating asshole. Not to mention, she’s pregnant with his kid. I wasn’t allowed to date til I moved out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 262
You deserved it 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

honest question, did you smile in her face as well? or were you just as complicit. Or you weren't there at all


honest question, did you smile in her face as well? or were you just as complicit. Or you weren't there at all

You're just jealous because he's polyamorous and you're an incel. Try hitting on one of his spare girlfriends to teach him a lesson!