Cat litter day

By Anonymous - 15/09/2021 14:01

Today, I found out my new neighbour tried to report me as a terrorist for, "speaking terrorist language and moving bags of that explosive fertiliser." I’m Japanese, and the bags were mostly rotting vegetables and animal dung. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 292
You deserved it 79

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Typical ignorant racist. I'm very sorry about this, my fellow Asian brother. Times are tough for Asians during these pandemic times. Remain safe and vigilant in the meantime because Asian hate increased these days.

Ambrily 27

The person who downvoted this comment is probably one of those idiots who are hating on Asians for no reason right now. Lol.


Typical ignorant racist. I'm very sorry about this, my fellow Asian brother. Times are tough for Asians during these pandemic times. Remain safe and vigilant in the meantime because Asian hate increased these days.

Ambrily 27

The person who downvoted this comment is probably one of those idiots who are hating on Asians for no reason right now. Lol.