Caught in the act

By Anonymous - 12/08/2021 14:01

Today, I went to a party and saw my current boyfriend making out with my ex-boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 213
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you mean EX-ex-boyfriend... ...and EX-current-boyfriend.

Just leave them and never look back. Forget you saw that disgusting mess and move on immediately. I'm sorry you experienced that.


I hope you mean EX-ex-boyfriend... ...and EX-current-boyfriend.

Just leave them and never look back. Forget you saw that disgusting mess and move on immediately. I'm sorry you experienced that.

Just solve that problem the way a man would: HOT THREESOME!

Right? Two guys who both already know what you like? Sounds like an opportunity to me!

Well, to be fair, nothing says either of them is particularly good or knowledgeable when it comes to OP's sexual preferences. That being said, two guys does mean twice the odds that at least one of them will get things right. Also, double the available stamina.

SalamanderSlick 1