Cover up

By this_is_fucked - 24/10/2009 21:23 - Zimbabwe

Today, I realized that I'm the only person in my house not getting any. My sister is sleeping with my ex. My roommate is sleeping with my brother, and my mom texted me, asking to make it look like she slept in her bed so that she didn't have to do the "walk of shame" in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 460
You deserved it 2 908

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol ... hey get laid then... there are tons of geeks on this website alone tht are desperate to get laid .. just read above :D


dude, another FYL... your the only person from Zimbabwe to have submitted a FML - LOL

Apparently only in Zimbabwe a room mate can live in your family's house and not get kicked out when laughing at you because you didn't get laid.

wriptidez 0

your the moral one and u will be std free

tweetypie 18

How do you have a roommate if you live in your parents house?

poohappens26 0

Wow that's bad. Sounds like your old enough to move out

i accidentally slipped a line and read, my sister is sleeping with my brother.