
By Anonymous - 05/12/2020 19:08 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes

Today, I had to abandon my shopping after a Covidiot directly sneezed all over it. He took his mask off because he was about to sneeze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 140
You deserved it 214

Same thing different taste

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Even in a pre covid world, sneezing into someone else isn't really hygienic

knowing 2 people to lose parents to this, and more to lose grandparents and other family, don't risk it. it's no big deal until you are saying good bye through a phone while they cant breathe. but you know.... it's fake. this year had really brought out the stupid in people, so protect you and yours and let the rest sink or swim I suppose. everyone's been warned hundreds of time by now.


brenniman 10

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It_gets_better 19

Lack of concern for other human life much?

samomaha 17

it_gets_better, I think you meant to ask, "Lack of brains much?:"

How do you know he'll survive? People die from covid.

I've done that !! Except I politely said , Thanks Dipshit. You did the right thing Peoples snot is nasty!!

Even in a pre covid world, sneezing into someone else isn't really hygienic

knowing 2 people to lose parents to this, and more to lose grandparents and other family, don't risk it. it's no big deal until you are saying good bye through a phone while they cant breathe. but you know.... it's fake. this year had really brought out the stupid in people, so protect you and yours and let the rest sink or swim I suppose. everyone's been warned hundreds of time by now.