Customers from hell

By midnightblade163 - 13/01/2016 12:06 - Australia - Caringbah

Today, at work a customer yelled at me, called me a 'fucking bitch', 'a fat whore', and, told me to lose weight because I wouldn't let her in the grocery store I work at to buy lettuce, after we'd closed. Lettuce for her lizard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 258
You deserved it 1 852

Same thing different taste

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Wow. Some people are just assholes. Customer service sucks!


Wow. Some people are just assholes. Customer service sucks!

Shoulda asked if she needed help carrying that fat attitude

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this was very cleaver but just didnt work

19990231 29

let me guess, you got written up for not listening to the customer?

scottishoatmeal 22

Don't take it to heart , she sounds like a total bitch

Tell her you'll be right with her and acknowledge her every time you make eye contact

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If you let her in once after closing she will expect it every time. Work retail. You'll understand.

LavenderCrow 12

Or, you know, she could have showed up 5 minutes earlier. It's her responsibility, not OP's.

Britt125 16

No, then you have to give everybody else 5 minutes and you'll be open all night. Plus some employees have families or pets of their own to get home to look after or just other commitments, and not everybody drives so 5 minutes can turn into a significant amount of time if you take public transportation and it can make you really late. Plus it just ******* sucks to miss your bus and wait 30 minutes or more for the next one. I know I've missed mine a few time because of customers that won't get out of the store and I was not happy... just want to get home after a long day of dealing with idiots. As somebody else said, it wasn't OP responsibility to look after the ladies pet either it was hers she should have shown up earlier or unless OP works for a big box store that's open later than anywhere else she could have just gone to a different store that was still open. Also the tills might have been pulled already, not much you can do once the tills are gone.

JustinJK 21

We close down our sales system as part of closing. the registers and store is virtually closed. Thus we cannot accept tender. The system takes a couple hours to poll our sales and commissions. So actually no, sales people can't stay open an extra 5 minutes. Once our drawers are counted out, it's over.

Under Australian law (or at least this was the case a few years ago), it's actually illegal to let customers in outside of the trading hours of the store, with pretty heavy fines if caught. If they're already in the store, they're 'allowed' to stay, but they can't come in outside trading hours. So no, OP couldn't work an extra 5 minutes so she could feed her lizard.

Problem with that is that they are never there for just one item. My store manager let in a lady that just had to buy baby formula and she filled three carts and kept us there two hours late

What everyone else said. Plus when they say "one thing" it's usually a lie just to get in. Then they spend quite a significant amount of time much longer than 5 minutes and end up with a cart load. Speaking from experience.