Darwin smiled

By Ihateracoons - 06/09/2022 06:30

Today, I saw a raccoon family on my front porch. There were 3 little babies. Wanting to keep one as a pet, I scooped up one of the babies. The mother raccoon turned around, made a bizarre roaring, hissing sound, and attacked me. I’m currently in the ER covered in grass and scratches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 156
You deserved it 5 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously? How stupid can you be? Never come between a mother and her babies.

Ahahah. N'ah no way would anyone actually pick up a wild animal's baby and not expect to be attacked. Nor would they ever consider separating a baby from its mother.


Ahahah. N'ah no way would anyone actually pick up a wild animal's baby and not expect to be attacked. Nor would they ever consider separating a baby from its mother.

Seriously? How stupid can you be? Never come between a mother and her babies.

Maybe wild animals shouldn’t be pets. Just a hunch.

I'm sure the baby raccoon would not want to be raised by a dumb animal.

nammavic1 11

That’s what you get. 😂😂😂

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

You 100% deserved this. Wild animals are not pets. As someone who worked at a wildlife sanctuary, you should also know that they shit in their water dish and wash their hands in it. Do NOT take in wildlife that 1. you obviously know shit all about and 2. that is CLEARLY HEALTHY AND WITH IT'S MOTHER. Like wtaf.

You obviously know nothing about raccoons. Why would you steal a baby from it's mother?

So not only did you pick up a wild animal, you picked up a BABY, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ITS MOTHER. I hope the medical bills teach you a lesson, because that was the stupidest choice possible.

So you tried to steal one of the babies from their mom and then got attacked by the mom who is trying to proptect her babies. Serve you right, you sound like an entitled and obnoxious prick