David Attenborough

By types - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided he was going to narrate everything I do. I can't get him to stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 471
You deserved it 3 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Redoxx_fml 22

"And then she typed angrily on her computer all the while telling me to stop narrating"


BrysGirl27 14

Hahahahahah that would be so awesome:p

That would be funny for like two minutes. I don't think the people wishing someone would do that to them realize that.

My girlfriend just posted an FML. Wait I'm mentioned...

Ahahaha... sounds like something my man would do. I love him for it :)

juicypu55y 0

So he narrated this too? Get naked

She read aloud as she submitted a post about her annoyance onto fmylife.com.

aubsiezz 0

That wld b so fun! Until I got annoyed and punched the him.

He's been watching too much family guy...

idloai 0

So I was in class the other day and my friend Berlayna was talking about how her bf started narrating everything she was doing. I'm wondering if she posted this.