Deadbeat or denial?

By Anonymous - 04/09/2023 07:30

Today, through my Ring doorbell I saw a pregnant woman knock on the door for my son and claim the baby was his. He just said to her, "No it’s not", then shut the door in her face. She left before I could get there. The little bastard won’t tell me her name or phone number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 643
You deserved it 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you have the phone numbers of any of his friends, take a screenshot from the camera feed and text the friends. They might know who she is, and if the baby really is your son's then your help will be invaluable in dragging him to court for child support.

Or it really isn't his and she's scamming him so you tracking her down would lead to you being scammed. We do not get enough information from this FML to decide.


If you have the phone numbers of any of his friends, take a screenshot from the camera feed and text the friends. They might know who she is, and if the baby really is your son's then your help will be invaluable in dragging him to court for child support.

Or it really isn't his and she's scamming him so you tracking her down would lead to you being scammed. We do not get enough information from this FML to decide.

Vesi 29

Well hopefully said woman gets a DNA test to determine the father. I honestly would not assume anything at this point without proof.