
By Anonymous - 12/09/2009 16:21 - United States

Today, I threw an elaborate surprise birthday party for my boyfriend of four years. He thought we were going to a quiet dinner but when we arrived, thirty of his friends jumped out and surprised him. Instead of kissing me to thank me, he broke up with me because of how easily I had lied to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 724
You deserved it 4 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So many FMLs like this and they always make me think the same thing. Either: 1) This is not the whole story. 2) These people are ridiculously stupid/unreasonable. 3) This did not happen.

Drae54 1

Damn thats harsh. You shoulda got a kiss and a thank you.


You don't break up spontaneously after 4 years for this kind of reason... I'm sure he was planning to leave you since a few weeks and was just waiting for the "perfect" excuse, and this came.

readblink 1

I was about to say the same thing. He's probably been looking for a reason.

beachgoddess 0

#22 "YDI for being a woman". stfu asshole..this has nothing to do with gender. damn i hate sexist people. and OP i'm sorry. Your bf is ungrateful

He has a point though! If you could hide that, what else are you hiding eh?

Agree with 20. It was just a lame excuse to dump you OP, sorry.


You sure deserve it ! You did lie and deceive him. He was expecting -dreaming of- a romantic night with his beloved girfriend and instead of that what did he get ? He had to cope with a wild bunch. And as someone mentioned it above I guess he didn't get laid... Those "surprise" parties really suck !

Maybe he shouldn't have broken up with you, but I really don't think you're telling the whole story.. That's just irrational, I'm sure there was something else going on at that party that you didn't mention.

what a ******* pussy. you don't need him.

xsouthernkiss 0

i threw my ex boyfriend a surprise party and he stopped talking to me for a week for lying about it too. so i believe her on that one.