
By Anonymous - 20/03/2022 14:00

Today, I tried to explain to my son that a 10.5lb baby can’t be born after only 6 months of pregnancy, and when he didn’t get that massive hint, I had to outright tell him his girlfriend must've already been 3 months pregnant when they met, and lied to him. I’ve raised an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 856
You deserved it 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vesi 29

This is called severe lack of sex education. He needs to attend a few classes on biology and how the human body works. Imagine what other surprises he's in for if he's not told all this in advance.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Your son is incredibly naive at best, an idiot at worst. This is a teachable moment and he needs your guidance more than ever. Exasperating as the situation is, this is when it is crucial to wear your parenting hat.


Don't be so hard on yourself. Your son is incredibly naive at best, an idiot at worst. This is a teachable moment and he needs your guidance more than ever. Exasperating as the situation is, this is when it is crucial to wear your parenting hat.

Vesi 29

This is called severe lack of sex education. He needs to attend a few classes on biology and how the human body works. Imagine what other surprises he's in for if he's not told all this in advance.

He is an idiot because he doesn't know the different average weight of babies according to the month of birth? It sounds like you raised a good person, that is willing to own up and take responsibility. Maybe even someone who trusts the person who loves. Non of it is bad. That why friends and parents are around to help us deal with things like that

rotflqtms_ 21

She's saying that a baby THAT premature wouldn't be anywhere near average weight/size for a newborn much less above average. And if it were 3 months premature, he would have heard the hospital staff discussing the premature birth and trying to address that. She's not saying her son must know average size and weights of babies, but at least he should pay attention to hear if the doctors and nurses mentioned how early the baby was and if they were keeping the baby in the hospital for a few months due to issues from it being born that early. He should have not expected the baby to go home that same day, week or even month. A quick Google search would show the survival rates of premature babies by weeks of gestation, some even do months.