Diagnosis unconfirmed

By helllojessie - 24/05/2023 08:00 - United States - Minneapolis

Today, and for the past week, I’ve been seeing a guy who checks all my boxes. He treats me amazing, and we both want the same thing, to find love. Seems great, right? Well, I got an anonymous text telling me that I may have been exposed to herpes. Hopefully he doesn’t leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 772
You deserved it 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are antiviral drugs that can significantly shorten or even prevent outbreaks (if you even have it), so this need not be the end of the world. For all you know, he might even have it himself. If he leaves you because someone you were with well before he got in the picture got you infected, then he wasn’t the one anyway. If, however, you got this during the time you were dating, then that’s on you.

its not the end of the world. talk to a dr and be safe until you know for sure. but alot of people have it in one form or another. and there are many anti viral meds that can make symptoms short lived if you did contract it.


There are antiviral drugs that can significantly shorten or even prevent outbreaks (if you even have it), so this need not be the end of the world. For all you know, he might even have it himself. If he leaves you because someone you were with well before he got in the picture got you infected, then he wasn’t the one anyway. If, however, you got this during the time you were dating, then that’s on you.

its not the end of the world. talk to a dr and be safe until you know for sure. but alot of people have it in one form or another. and there are many anti viral meds that can make symptoms short lived if you did contract it.

Hopefully he doesn’t have herpes and he just needs to know if you wound stay.

He should have told you that before he "checked" your "box," so to speak.

OfficialMrD 3

Annonymous? How much have you been getting around prior to finding this dude

helllojessie 12

you literally could sleep with one person and get it.

The chance of passing herpes on any given sexual encounter is pretty low. From men to women, without protection 2.5% with protection 0.13%. Though you really won't know if your in the clear until about 4 weeks after your exposure. If he's worried about exposure shouldn't be a big deal to press pause for a few weeks.