
By ocdeane - 01/10/2019 22:00 - Germany - Mainz

Today, I noticed a disgusting, cheesy smell and spent all day wondering what it was. I later found out that it wasn't coming from my feet, but from my belly button. My surgery wound got infected. I'm a germaphobe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 577
You deserved it 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

julfunky 29

You’d think a germaphobe would know how to properly care for a healing wound. While an infection doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t take care of it the fact that you spent the entire day without once caring for your surgery wound does. Hell, I clean my new ear piercings more than you clean your wound.

should have made sure to clean the wound so it wouldnt get infected


should have made sure to clean the wound so it wouldnt get infected

julfunky 29

You’d think a germaphobe would know how to properly care for a healing wound. While an infection doesn’t necessarily mean you didn’t take care of it the fact that you spent the entire day without once caring for your surgery wound does. Hell, I clean my new ear piercings more than you clean your wound.