Do better

By jordan - 10/11/2021 13:59

Today, after going to my friend's house for the first time and seeing how their parents treat them, I realized that I’ve never once experienced parental love in my entire life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 352
You deserved it 79

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Royal Sataness 4

I feel you man. my childhood was the same way and nothing changed when I grew up. hang out at your friends houses and eventually their parents will kinda adopt you. make your own chosen family

Hang out at your friend's house more. Maybe you'll get some of the excess parental love aimed at your friend.


Hang out at your friend's house more. Maybe you'll get some of the excess parental love aimed at your friend.

Royal Sataness 4

I feel you man. my childhood was the same way and nothing changed when I grew up. hang out at your friends houses and eventually their parents will kinda adopt you. make your own chosen family

yeah I understand that and actually being around them will be good for you. it'll teach you how to be a good parent.

My Mom has told me that her parents did not express love verbally. While her mom was “normal” to me as a grandmother growing up, her father seemed to have a bad attitude. In retrospect I think he was depressed. My Mom told me that when I was born and she loved me that she said to herself “So this is what love feels like.” Mom says that she tried her best to show her children the love that she had missed out on. My Dad’s family was more “normal” and supportive than Mom’s and when Dad and Mom first got married they lived with Dad’s parents for a while. I think this may also have influenced Mom. Some people, some parents are just not very demonstrative of their love. It doesn’t always mean they don’t love their family, sometimes it just means they never learned how to properly express that love. Hopefully this is the case with OP’s family. OP, you cannot “fix” your parents. But you can learn from others how love is expressed in a healthy relationship and apply this to your life from here on out. You could even have a one on one talk with your Mom or Dad (in a non-confrontational way) about your feelings and ask why they don’t express love like other families you have seen. But be careful, you don’t want to make things worse by being perceived as critical. Be aware that the downside of expressing love is that it leaves you vulnerable to hurt feelings if it is not reciprocated. But the risk is by far worth the effort.