Don't date coworkers

By Pastrygirl - 11/07/2016 22:00

Today, while finishing up at work, I started helping a co-worker out with his workload since I'd finished mine. His girlfriend apparently didn't like this and started slamming things around, constantly muttering passive aggressive comments because she wanted to help him. I work with idiots. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 636
You deserved it 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexiieeex3 32

God forbid you try to help a coworker without it being mistaken for a sexual advance. Because that would be too crazy, right?

In fairness, OP, helping a coworker out is how one makes sexual advances on the bizarre as **** planet she comes from.


Assuming "workload" isnt strange sexual inuendo, i see nothing here that deserves the angry mutterings of a she ape. And if its such a big deal, why wasn't she helping him in the first place?

Well you were obviously going after her man.

awildwhisper 30

I always try to lure men in with my sexy paper filing skills.

Now for the important question, do your filing skills work?

I had men buy me drinks because of my computer skills. When I would type up reports and other stuff for them, they were very grateful.

lexiieeex3 32

God forbid you try to help a coworker without it being mistaken for a sexual advance. Because that would be too crazy, right?

If she wanted to help then she should have just done it instead of being crazy.

Obviously helping a guy with his work means you're coming on to him. Come on, OP. This is basic knowledge.

In fairness, OP, helping a coworker out is how one makes sexual advances on the bizarre as **** planet she comes from.

Im thinking she's a she ape, so she clearly comes from planet of the apes.

species4872 19

Sounds like the start to a Marx Bros movie.

Stop lying to yourself and admit it! you're trying to steal him away

Yeah, and showing off by finishing her own work early too!

Soverain 15

If she really wanted to help then she shouldn't be slamming shit around and having a childish meltdown. Why can't anyone do anything decent anymore without having it become misconstrued as some ulterior motive?

nykkilynn16 7

Because sadly, many times there are ulterior motives. It's hard to know when it's the former.

kitsuneluvuh 12

I'm intrigued by your name, OP. Does your name mean that you make pastries, or that you love to eat them?

at least someone is asking the important questions here, we need an answer! ^^