Drumming up business

By Anonymous - 13/09/2022 21:00 - Australia

Today, it's the fourth day since my partner and I opened our store. Opening day was great, but since then we have had a grand total of two customers. We spent our entire life savings on this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 258
You deserved it 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

You need to invest in marketing and advertising. Social media is a relatively* easy, free, or low-cost way to do it. Relative as in it takes some work and know-how. Hire someone to do it part-time, or watch a few easy videos on YouTube. And while it’s technically free, it’s also very worth it to invest in paid promotions, which allows thousands of people to see your social posts or pages - and they’re very low-cost. If you want to also (or instead) go the traditional route, print flyers, business cards, whatever, and leave them on cars in parking lots, in mailboxes, on boards in other stores or community areas like parks and libraries. Make them engaging and enticing. What do you have to offer? How do you stand out from others? Add a couple coupons for some kind of discount. There’s also loads you can find online. You can also contact your local chamber of commerce or the Small Business Administration. They will provide you with TONS of support, resources, and even free money to help your business. You’d be surprised, but there are many government programs designed to help small businesses. Don’t give up! You can do it! Think outside the box and more ways you can increase customers and engagement, and you can absolutely flourish! Good luck! 😃💰🎉😁

have you seen schitts creek, my point is you could try to engage the community make it an environment they want to spend time in


have you seen schitts creek, my point is you could try to engage the community make it an environment they want to spend time in

Marcella1016 31

You need to invest in marketing and advertising. Social media is a relatively* easy, free, or low-cost way to do it. Relative as in it takes some work and know-how. Hire someone to do it part-time, or watch a few easy videos on YouTube. And while it’s technically free, it’s also very worth it to invest in paid promotions, which allows thousands of people to see your social posts or pages - and they’re very low-cost. If you want to also (or instead) go the traditional route, print flyers, business cards, whatever, and leave them on cars in parking lots, in mailboxes, on boards in other stores or community areas like parks and libraries. Make them engaging and enticing. What do you have to offer? How do you stand out from others? Add a couple coupons for some kind of discount. There’s also loads you can find online. You can also contact your local chamber of commerce or the Small Business Administration. They will provide you with TONS of support, resources, and even free money to help your business. You’d be surprised, but there are many government programs designed to help small businesses. Don’t give up! You can do it! Think outside the box and more ways you can increase customers and engagement, and you can absolutely flourish! Good luck! 😃💰🎉😁

reach out to your local community facebook, and tell them you're open, put out money for an ad, in the local paper, and remember, all new businesses will lose money in the first year.

If you opened your store, I’m sure you’ve studied your business model before and looked at your prospective sales in your location. So those sales should not be a surprise, except if there is a major problem in the area. You just need to apply your business plan (communication, etc.) and things will get better. A reputation can be very slow to build. If you didn’t do your due diligence before opening………. Well…..

I guess word got out about your store. Be open to change, because the status quo is not working.

You can do this. It just takes time. Stay positive.