Easter surprise

By aprilfooled - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, for April Fools' day, my entire class decided to prank our religion teacher. During our daily meditation time, while his eyes were closed, we slowly got out of our seats and left the classroom. Two minutes later he opened his eyes, locked us out, and called the dean to give us all detention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 157
You deserved it 77 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you pick someone you know won't respond well to your joke? Do it with a care-free type of teacher who you know would just laugh it off.


YDI for goin to a BS school dat teaches religion n meditation n i wuldnt be suprrised if creationists too next time go to a real school, loser ~athiestpride~

Monty_Python 0

Hilarious joke man! FYL for having such an asshole teacher.

guys i have friends who go to a private catholic school. one doesnt even believe in god but parents want a "private school education". and they have meditation times in religion class where the kids all fall asleep and op detentions really not that bad

THATS AMAAAZZINNGG :) lol. But maybe you should have picked a teacher who had more of a sense of humour. Or maybe his way of being funny was to lock you all out. Either way its still hilarious.

Daily meditation time? Now THAT means your life is ******.

your teacher is a little bitch for whining to the dean. even if said teacher lacks a sense of humor they must realize that the rest of the world celebrates april fool's day and that your prank resulted in no harm to anyone.

hhahhaha i knowww these peoplee i witnessed thisss

thewoozy1 0

we also played our annual class joke on our religion teacher. we had one of our classmates show up late and told our teacher that he had been injured in a car crash. the teacher called our bluff and told us to place our hand on the Bible and lie to him again.

your school allows teaching religion? what kind of school are you in?