"Eruption" by Van Halen time

By Anonymous - 01/08/2021 16:01

Today, I learned that I actually like my boiled eggs a bit softer than I usually make them. I also learned that an outwardly lukewarm egg, when bitten into enthusiastically, is perfectly capable of creating a volcanic eruption of boiling hot yolk all over your hands, clothes and kitchen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 630
You deserved it 372

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't microwave eggs! If you must, use a microwave egg cup. And have half as many cups available as you have girls to serve. The rule of thumb is: Two girls, one cup.

xxlk4xx 6

get one of those little egg cups, use a knife to break that tip of the egg off then use a small spoon to eat it 😋 that's what my grandma used to do for me! no burns!


Don't microwave eggs! If you must, use a microwave egg cup. And have half as many cups available as you have girls to serve. The rule of thumb is: Two girls, one cup.

xxlk4xx 6

get one of those little egg cups, use a knife to break that tip of the egg off then use a small spoon to eat it 😋 that's what my grandma used to do for me! no burns!