
By Collie - 19/08/2022 18:00

Today, my boss told me that due to a colleague resigning, I have to do some of her job until they find a replacement. I asked if I’ll be getting compensated for the extra work/time, and he said no because of budget issues. I said that wasn’t fair. He responded, “Well, life ain’t fair, get used to it.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 195
You deserved it 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Or maybe you can get used to being woefully understaffed, asshole. I quit." His life will get very unfair, then. Your coworker's compensation was in the budget until recently. Some of that should be sprinkled on you.

Extending his logic, they don't have budget to hire a replacement. If you work it, make sure it is worked in Overtime and you get compensated anyway.


Extending his logic, they don't have budget to hire a replacement. If you work it, make sure it is worked in Overtime and you get compensated anyway.

"Or maybe you can get used to being woefully understaffed, asshole. I quit." His life will get very unfair, then. Your coworker's compensation was in the budget until recently. Some of that should be sprinkled on you.

till they get a new job they can easily totally screw up the departed coworkers responsibilities

Then you told him you're not doing it, right?

If they're willing to pay a replacement, they can pay you temporarily for doing the job of the person they'll be replacing. His argument is invalid.

If he can’t pay you what you are rightfully owed (time and a half after 40 hours federally, which is nationwide in the United States even if state law states more than 40 hours) you can’t rightfully do all the work without the pay l. If he fires you for not doing the work and time of two people and compensating you, you have a good case for wage theft.

I've been there. you can do an abysmal job because you weren't trained for it. very nearly landed my employer in jail by filling the wrong DoD form. it was a simple mistake but one the government doesn't take kindly to