Family Matters

By whyme102008 - 13/07/2011 06:32 - United States

Today, I had to bail my dad out of jail, for beating up my boyfriend, for sleeping with my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 152 071
You deserved it 8 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your dad had the right idea but shouldn't have physically assaulted your boyfriend. Hope you dumped his cheating ass.

At least it wasn't your mum you had to bail out after hitting your boyfriend when he made a move on your dad!


this is definitely some Jerry springer shit

This has to be the most valid FML I've seen in a very very long time. Still, I'm disappointed in the commenters, loads of "Jerry Jerry Jerry" and not a single 4SUM? Lift your game folks.

There are some things....a man shouldn't be charged for.

rezzel 0

fyl for both of u but ur bf deserved it as for ur mom thats messed up

1luckys0b 0

so does that mean your mom Is single?