Fast response

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mom bought me pepper spray in case anyone tried to "mess" with me. I put it in my purse. Later, a guy snatched my purse before I even had the chance to take out the pepper spray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 562
You deserved it 4 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cudi504 4

Next time hold it at eye level at all times

cudi504 4


NullPointer 20

I don't want to say that you deserve it, but I don't like people carrying weapons on them. What happened is better than you using your pepper spray on a friend or someone asking for directions.

JukeboxValkyrie 19

Hopefully he won't know what to do with the mace and accidentally spray himself in the face. In a small room. With no air circulation.

Move to a state that has concealed handgun permits.

hahaha..i like the idea of pepper spray though..ur mother rocks

PrimeStarscream 30

YDI, you should have kept it on your keyring and kept your keys in your pocket.

drewfus2 6

That is exactly why I carry two cans of pepper spray and three knives on my person at all times.

AliCat18 12

wow i can see you use your logic when it comes to defending yourself! your mom started and gave you the pepperspray, she can only do so much! if your too slow to use your brain then you are on your own!

Why would you want it in your handbag anyway? We all know what women's handbags are like... "Oh, hang on a second Mr. Mugger, I just need to dig through all this useless crap to find my pepper spray here..."

kckretzler 3

Next if you are walking alone be smart and keep it in hand in your pocket