Give it to me, Sheldon!

By oh lord - 27/05/2012 16:06 - Canada - Oshawa

Today, my boyfriend and I were making love. I've been working on a novel for the past six months, and what would have been mid-way through, I accidentally said the main character's name instead of my boyfriend's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 585
You deserved it 16 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

And you hadn't even written the climax yet...

Yeah of course, you got the name from your "novel". We all know what you've been up to OP.


CinnamonRugby 5

Imaginary man here, imaginary women in the FML below. When virtual reality becomes a househould product, the worlds screwed.

Well, first the software would have to move past the "uncanny valley" phase (looks) and "dumb as a brick" phase (AI). And there's the hardware. For a sex simulator, you'd have to adapt a toy. I can't comment on men's sex toys, but any women's sex toy that is not phallic is ****ing terrifying. (Some of the phallic ones are also terrifying, but that's another matter.) There's this oral simulator that's a basically a lump of faux-tongue that flops around, I doubt it would do a good job and it's the stuff of nightmares. What I'm saying is, I don't think that VR!sex is going to be a thing for a while, and that it will remain a novelty for a long time after that.

What would have been midway through? Do you time your sexual encounters? "Come on babe, it's been 7.5 minutes. Hurry up!"

I'm guessing things were heating up but OP's misnomer slip up brought everything to an abrupt end. Not so much concerning time constraints.

For some reason, I pictured the character's name being Casey or some other name which could be either gender, thus causing even further confusion.

I'm gonna be honest OP, all though FYL, that's kinda hilarious. Sorry

I thumbed you up because of your picture.

Hey, 24, if you could just do us a quick favor and chug a bottle of Windex that'd be great.

Yes! Yes! More, more!... I love you Galaktitron!

KiddNYC1O 20

I hope your novel isn't a fan-fiction...

Write a steamy love scene and tell him you wanna act it out/role play it, the awkwardness then fades because he can also call you by a lady's name from the book.

megansays 2