Good question

By cynicalcindy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I visited my brother in jail for the first time. I didn't know what to say so I blurted out, "Are you having fun?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 165
You deserved it 50 336

Top comments

Eh, it's more like **** HIS life. It would only be an FML from his perspective. "Today, my brother visited me in jail for the first time. The first thing he said to me was "Are you having fun?" FML


Eh, it's more like **** HIS life. It would only be an FML from his perspective. "Today, my brother visited me in jail for the first time. The first thing he said to me was "Are you having fun?" FML

umm the op is a girl... it would have been his sister.

Why fhl? he brought it on himself to be out in there. So he basically deserves it.

jdeshnerx3 0

why the thumbs down for 39?

shaubygal 11

it's his sister it even says it at the top idiot

tweetylover8402 0

I imagine his response being "Yea, i've dropped the soap a few times!"

HAHAHA , should have told him to make sure he never drops the soap LOL !!

Kite_Makoto 0

Aww that sucks. My brother's in jail too. I've said that more than once on occasion when I can't think of anything to say. Or I'll ask him if he's entertaining himself or at least doing something to keep himself occupied. You should write him letters and what not to tell him what you're doing, even if it's really boring as hell, He'll probably enjoy it because it's something new and he'll probably enjoy hearing from you.

You should have ended It with 'getting your salad tossed' hahahahahahaha XD

Stephany_fml 0

That's ok, my friend is in jail, and I went to see him, and said "Are you making lots of friends?"