Got the sniffles

By Jizzyface - 29/12/2013 12:36 - United Kingdom - Wilmslow

Today, my strict Christian mother walked into my room just after I'd finished masturbating. Although dressed, I was still holding the used tissue, which she noticed. Having to think fast to disguise my deed and avoid an entire sermon, I had no option but to blow my nose with the spunky tissue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 375
You deserved it 28 885

Same thing different taste

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UnicornFarts 15

That is snot funny. You had to see that cumming.

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Im gonna guess (even though i hate assuming) if he is afraid he will get in trouble by his mom, he probably is younger than 18.

Let's assume he's 15. You honestly think it's reasonable to tell him to just not ********** for at least the next 3 years? That's ridiculous. FYL OP, your mum sounds intense.

Especially for teenage boys, it's almost impossible to just not do it. From my understanding, blue balls are at least uncomfortable and sometimes painful. It's unhealthy too, at least mentally, to think of masturbating as a bad thing that you shouldn't do. It's his own body, his mom doesn't own it, and it's a completely normal thing to do and important for developing a healthy sexuality.

Shouldn't do it? That's a bit unrealistic. Next time OP lock the door or something. Or wait till the coast is clear lol

Really, #15, really? You can't just tell someone not to **********. Constantly being horny is distracting, it's good for the health of both men and women, and from what my guy friends have told me, not doing it can be painful. Lighten up and try it sometime.

Why shouldn't he do it? It brings him pleasure and it harms no one. If she doesn't wanna see it, he should just do it in a room and lock the door, if there is a lock. Its necessary to take precautions to keep your privacy, but if someone walks in on accident, big deal! Just walk away. Its only masturbation. Its not a bad thing.

So let me get this straight #17. you have NEVER EVER in your life while living at your parents home masturbated?!?!?!?!, E. V. E. R!?!? Well my friend you are a better person then 90% of people who have. I live with my mother, ya I am 38yrs old and live at home due to family reasons, and I have been getting off since I moved back in a couple years ago. And that wont stop. It is a natural thing and no matter the age men and women do it. But then again we all can't be the perfect prude like you now can we! Well now that I have put in my 2 cents I seemed to have worked up some frustrations and am gonna go get off now, did I mention I live with my mom??? Good thing I have a lock on my door!!! HAVE A NICE DAAAAAAAY #17!!! :D

sorry I meant #15 not #17. I got a little pissed at #15's comment I thought it was #17. Soooooo that being said, I would like to take this time to apologize to whoever #17 is before I go ********** while my mom is outside at the moment!!!!! :)

Why not, 26? Most people **********. It's not gross, it's natural and apparently has been shown to have health benefits as well (but don't quote me on that).

sorry I meant #15 not #17. I got a little pissed at #15's comment I thought it was #17. Soooooo that being said, I would like to take this time to apologize to whoever #17 is before I go ********** while my mom is outside at the moment!!

It's just my opinion and it remains. Thanks to those who respectfully disagreed, though. We can agree to disagree and move on.

martin8337 35

Or better, in the shower, think about it.

HisAngel6511 11

#96...Just because she doesn't agree with masturbation it makes her a prude? I can't say that I think it's right, but it's not my place to tell you if you should or shouldn't do that. Also...No one gives a crap if you're gonna jack off or not. We'd all much rather not know...

squideth 18

136 yes, it does make you a prude. You are literally against a completely natural and healthy function. So, prude.

I never said I was against masturbation in general. I said that he should just follow her rules dang

JennyK1414 13
Beepbeep7 14
ThomasBombadil 31

Sermon from strict christian mother or blowing nose on spunked tissue. You made the right call. Pat yourself on the back OP.

You couldn't act like you just finished blowing your nose?

Growing up in a very Christian household, locked doors were not allowed. If we had secrets, we had sin. Locked door meant everyone suffered a lecture. And people wonder why I rebelled.