Great boyfriend, part 2

By thanks a lot - 04/05/2020 05:00

Today, my boyfriend made me a latte. It tasted off, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I drank it. Turns out he put laxatives in it as a prank. The idiot couldn’t just use one or two. He used so many that I had to go to the ER for severe dehydration after puking and shitting for hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 898
You deserved it 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to get a new Boyfriend! There ARE men out there who would never do anything lik that. Or even think about it.


Time to get a new Boyfriend! There ARE men out there who would never do anything lik that. Or even think about it.

then sue him show him how much he ****** or do it to him either you shouldn't be with him

You need to send your boyfriend to that girl with stinky diarrhea from earlier, because he seems to be into that shit. Then move on.

thatkorean 5

I really hope you mean EX boyfriend...that’s taking a “prank” WAY too far. He seriously hurt you. No “prank” should land you in the ER

I hope you intended that pun. I'm giving you the credit for it. Good one!

It has to be either that one or "Sounds like a shitty situation."

You mean ex boyfriend. He's a douche.

ojoRojo 27

So he either intentionally hurt you really badly or he’s too dumb to realize that it would be that severe. Either way it’s a red flag and sign that you shouldn’t be with him. Adios, dumbass!