Guinea pig

By Troy - 03/04/2009 18:40 - United States

Today, I filled out a political survey for a psychology experiment. A really cute girl was doing it, too. We hit it off and flirted through the surveys, and I asked her out when it was done. Then I found out it was really an attraction experiment and she was in on it. She was acting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 881
You deserved it 7 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vball6 19

It was a psychology experiment.. Yes, yes you do..

#5 - you need to take a psych class or two. There are plenty of experiments done on humans influencing their emotions all the time. OP - don't feel bad. Experiments like this are done all the time. It happens to a lot of guys.


Zerenade 0
brodizzle 0, that's a bitch thing for her to do. You don't do experiments with human emotions :/

Vball6 19

It was a psychology experiment.. Yes, yes you do..

MukyDaCookie 0
thatisjank 0

The guy thought he was doing a political survey when the girl was REALLY doing an emotion experiment on him. Pretty sick..

Well- maybe she will like you anyway! Some experiments do lead to results. =)

All experiments have results; some are just better than others.

#5 - you need to take a psych class or two. There are plenty of experiments done on humans influencing their emotions all the time. OP - don't feel bad. Experiments like this are done all the time. It happens to a lot of guys.

their experiment seems to have been a success...but yeah i would have been really pissed off by that.! that means you probably passed. If you were a biyatch, you would not have hit on her. Confidence my friend!! I say, GOOD FOR YOU. And are a biyatch, shut up