
By ming - 19/08/2018 14:30

Today, despite being 22 and having near-perfect dental hygiene, I was diagnosed with receding gums and can only eat soft food for the rest of my life. Then the dentist told me that this typically only happens to people over fifty who don’t take care of their teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 859
You deserved it 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boopingsnoot 24

Get tested for Vascular-type Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, especially if you bruise easily.

Well this is just crazy! I’m your age and having weird gum issues as well. And I also brush and floss regularly. Does anyone else in your family have it? Might also be a vitamin deficiency. Make sure you’re getting enough nutrients!


boopingsnoot 24

Get tested for Vascular-type Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, especially if you bruise easily.

Dr. Boopingsnoot coming in clutch!

Well this is just crazy! I’m your age and having weird gum issues as well. And I also brush and floss regularly. Does anyone else in your family have it? Might also be a vitamin deficiency. Make sure you’re getting enough nutrients!

Sometimes brushing too hard will make your gums start to recede. That’s what was beginning to happen to me so my dentist had me switch to an extra soft toothbrush and it really helped. I would be in a hurry and didn’t realize brushing faster and harder didn’t help make them healthier. 😜

Mungolikecandy 19

Brushing too hard can cause the gums to recede as can smoking and bad diet. Surgery is an option to repair the gums.

I told you that using cake frosting as toothpaste was not a good idea!

bobsanction 18

I had a friend like that in highschool. She ended up getting all her teeth pulled and getting dentures in her mid-20s.

On the other hand, getting dentures beats eating soft food for the rest of your life any time.

oldtimer 3

Get a second or third opinion. Don’t ever believe what one doctor tells you. I have an in law that has receding gums and it was because he was doing too much dental hygiene. He’s now getting gum surgery adding extra tissue to his gums. I once switched to a new dentist, who told me I would need $12000 worth of dental work. Went back to my regular dentist (who I saw regularly) and he looked at the list of “what I needed” and couldn’t find anything wrong. It’s now seven years later and have only had one crown put in. One doctor was discovered who was giving chemo therapy to patients that didn’t have cancer. One hospital was doing heart surgery on people that didn’t need it. DON’T EVER TRUST ONE SINGLE DOCTOR!

Unfortunately, most people can only afford to trust one single doctor.

chocolate019 6

A lot of people in my family have receding gum lines, despite having very good hygiene. I myself have it, and I floss regularly and brush twice a day

I had a similar diagnosis, about 25 years ago... she tried to schedule gum surgery. I passed. I went to another dentist and mentioned it... he looked and asked “you’re what we call a hard brusher”. My teeth are fine to this day. Get a second opinion.