Haggling wars

By Jules - 05/09/2023 04:00 - Germany

Today, at the grocery store, the scanner at the register gave a higher price for a product than the price tag on the shelf. Apparently I was the one being unreasonable for insisting to pay the price advertised on the shelf, and not some secret price they never told me about. FML
I agree, your life sucks 693
You deserved it 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You sure the item wasn't misplaced or you didn't just misread the shelf tag?

in my state they legally have to sell it to you as the price on the shelf, some places would agree with you! they even have to pay you the difference back here


You sure the item wasn't misplaced or you didn't just misread the shelf tag?

in my state they legally have to sell it to you as the price on the shelf, some places would agree with you! they even have to pay you the difference back here

with likely chance that if you can prove they have and unexpired ad price thats lower theyd honor it

Nikki 17

At my old grocery store you would’ve been given it for free if that happened

"Price check on aisle 5!" Usually, they send someone to look at the shelf pricing and give it to you. If you are wrong, they point and laugh and mock you long after you leave. Is that worth it?

In the state of Michigan they have something called The bounty law. If you're overcharged for the price of an item versus the sticker price, they have to pay you the difference per item plus a $5 bounty per item that you were overcharged. But alot of businesses will try not to honor the law or will flat out act like it doesn't exist.

Some people swap price stickers around in order to get a lower price. This may be a problem at that store.

BrizBurry 9

oooo secret prices the scanner makes??? the nerve

How much effort/scene is it worth to save the 20 cents?