Hallowed be thy name

By NotStephanie - 02/05/2024 14:00 - United States - Bellefontaine

Today, I woke up to my significant other talking in his sleep and soulfully professing his love for Stephanie. My name is not Stephanie. The only Stephanie he knows is a girl he worked at a hotel with over 10 years ago. He has done this at least twice a week since then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 466
You deserved it 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

Sounds like you should take a serious talk with him, about your current situation, life, and about Stephanie...

Dreams mean very little. If it's making you suspicious about her, have a word. But if this is all you have on him and he's been a good partner, don't read too much into it.


after never doing it before? sounds like he wants you to dump him and this is his stupid plan to make that happen

Wadlaen 23

Sounds like you should take a serious talk with him, about your current situation, life, and about Stephanie...

Dreams mean very little. If it's making you suspicious about her, have a word. But if this is all you have on him and he's been a good partner, don't read too much into it.

I would normally agree but the same dream 2 times a week for 10 years shows he has a infatuation with stephanie

Worth a talk if you're concerned. My ex use to argue in her sleep with her mom...whom had been dead for years.