He works hard for the money

By BlownOff - 29/04/2023 04:00 - United States - Beverly

Today, my friend canceled plans the day before the event, after planning to go together for over a month. He said he needed to work, which would be understandable, if his only job wasn’t for Uber where he literally sets his own hours. It’s too late to find another friend to go with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 701
You deserved it 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ticonderogapencils 16

This was a completely valid use of the word literally. The poster stated that their friend was employed by Uber where drivers can choose at any time wether they want to take rides or not. Stop being so critical

Especially when you have unpredictable work (sometimes more, sometimes less) the end of the month can get scary. Realize your friend is an adult with a job and rent to pay. Sometimes things don’t work out like you plan - When that happens getting the rent, car payment, insurance, and groceries paid takes precedence… My dad worked as a refrigeration and air conditioning installer and repairman for many years - The first few as his own business. When times were busy Dad worked 6 days a week, every week. That was necessary because the lean times come and they test your ability to survive… OP, schedule an Uber and pay for it if you need to get somewhere while your friend is working.


What the **** is "literally setting your own hours?" It's a figure of speech meaning to freely choose your work schedule. So what is the literal meaning? Is it something like bricklaying or setting bowling pins? Maybe your incessant abuse of the word "literally" is the real reason he bowed out on you.

Ticonderogapencils 16

This was a completely valid use of the word literally. The poster stated that their friend was employed by Uber where drivers can choose at any time wether they want to take rides or not. Stop being so critical

"Hey! You, begging in the subway! Would you like to fo to [event] with me?"

Especially when you have unpredictable work (sometimes more, sometimes less) the end of the month can get scary. Realize your friend is an adult with a job and rent to pay. Sometimes things don’t work out like you plan - When that happens getting the rent, car payment, insurance, and groceries paid takes precedence… My dad worked as a refrigeration and air conditioning installer and repairman for many years - The first few as his own business. When times were busy Dad worked 6 days a week, every week. That was necessary because the lean times come and they test your ability to survive… OP, schedule an Uber and pay for it if you need to get somewhere while your friend is working.