Healthy work environment

By Skylalala - 14/06/2022 18:00

Today, I summoned the courage to go into my boss’s office and ask for a raise. He yelled at me, called me “ungrateful”, asked how dare I ask him such a question, and that I’m lucky to even have a job in the first place. I ended up reduced to tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 124
You deserved it 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to start looking for a new job…just don’t quit till you’ve found a good replacement; one who will show you the respect you deserve.

Sonotsuave 35

You need to get ready to peace out the door if that’s the way your boss is treating you, with an unreasonably irate response, and especially if you’re being underpaid what you’re worth and they’re not going to change that any time soon. Good luck


Time to start looking for a new job…just don’t quit till you’ve found a good replacement; one who will show you the respect you deserve.

you should listen to Ken Coleman. it's never a good idea to ask for a raise. ask what you can do to earn more or look what other places pay for the same job

You need to brush up on your negotiation skills. Crying is not a strategy.

bidet 8

Not a winning strategy, at least.

Sonotsuave 35

You need to get ready to peace out the door if that’s the way your boss is treating you, with an unreasonably irate response, and especially if you’re being underpaid what you’re worth and they’re not going to change that any time soon. Good luck

Xatraris 38

These companies should be happy they have people employed with them. The "be happy you have a job" idea is getting old. Move on, find a place that values the work you put in. You should be allowed to ask for a raise. They should give examples and reasons why not if they can't. You should be able to ask what is needed to get more. However, if they want to put a lot more responsibility and throw a "maybe we can talk about a raise", then I would look for another place. Weigh your options. But the way your boss reacted is already a sign to start looking to leave.

tell hr what happened, if that doesn't work, start looking for a new job

Well, at least you didn't get fired. But I'd start looking for another job. Jobs are everywhere these days thanks to so many people quitting due to COVID.