Heavy duty

By Anonymous - 06/05/2023 22:00

Today, I bled through a tampon and pad in half an hour. When changing them, I somehow managed to streak blood across the bathroom floor, like a small creature was murdered and dragged. I have never menstruated this hard before in my life. Anyone know how to get blood out of white grout? Not asking for a friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 949
You deserved it 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Baking soda & peroxide. Please see your doctor, this is cause for concern.

Not to worry you, but this amount of bleeding is medically classified as heavy bleeding and it may be worth having a conversation with your OBGYN about this if it turns into a regular thing for you.


Not to worry you, but this amount of bleeding is medically classified as heavy bleeding and it may be worth having a conversation with your OBGYN about this if it turns into a regular thing for you.

Baking soda & peroxide. Please see your doctor, this is cause for concern.

Vesi 29

Look up "Purrfect Potion" (it works wonders on blood too) and please talk to your Gyno. That is definitely cause for concern.

Hydrogen peroxide will get blood out of just about anything (I worked as a housekeeper in a hospital, not trying to clean crime scenes). Agreed you may wanna go to the doctor to get that checked out. Unless you're an American, then you're screwed :[

My period is often this bad because of endometriosis and a cyst on my right ovary. I'm soon going to get an IUD to help control the severe pain and bleeding. See your GYN immediately and talk options.

If this is unusual for you, definitely see a doctor. There could be something more than menstruation at stake here.