Help yourself

By AshamedDaughter - 17/08/2011 07:14 - Canada

Today, my Dad and I went to McDonald's, only to have him shove two handfuls of sugar packets into the bag. He said, "If it's for free, why only take one?" To make it worse, my crush was at the till, watching what was happening. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 628
You deserved it 3 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take some sugar packets, go to your crush, and say, "I think you dropped your nametag."

Why not just get him to be your sugar daddy?


mrsbieber94 0

Maybe your crush will think your dad is...sweet

I bet I know what someone is geting for their birthday!

RockstarRN 10

Aim higher OP, you'll thank your dad later...

zeke420 0

I don't see the problem here? He's working at Mcdonalds for minimum wage like he cares if your dad steals sugar....ydi for being so dramatic about something this stupid

oarisimo 4

where in the fml does it say her crush works there? oh wait, it DOESN'T. maybe he just happened to be eating there, too.

If he was eating there then why is he standing behind the till? I'm fairly sure they dislike customers climbing over the counter and standing on that side next to the till. (If you're not up with the times the "till" is the drawer all the money is in. Normally sits just below a cash register.) So it's pretty safe to assume that he works there.

actually it says her crush was at the till, not behind it, so pretty likely he was paying for his food.

Dont be so harsh on your dad. Its just sugar. If he's forced to BUY your sugar for you, are you then going to buy his condoms which he can no longer afford because of you?

When my family goes on vacation we take the jams and little ketchup bottles. don't feel bad.

your dad has a good point but if my crush was there I would understand why you wrote this fml. fyl

therighthero 0

God forbid you get embarrassed by you're father you're crush, the McDonald's cashier,