Here comes trouble

By Anonymous - 11/11/2023 01:02

Today, I found out that my girlfriend's new friend is actually her "replacement". They met a few months ago, and she's really cool, we share the same interests, it's nice to spend time with her, etc., but my girlfriend planned to break up with me and "trained" her because she doesn't want me to be lonely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 626
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EricW 4

you could sell this plot to HBO because that's nuts


EricW 4

you could sell this plot to HBO because that's nuts

I think there's already a movie about a wife finding her replacement before she dies of cancer. Maybe there's a whole genre of Hallmark movies like that.

Honestly can't tell if good gf or bad gf. I'm almost leaning towards that's kinda sweet of her...

BrizBurry 9

that's .... strangely considerate of her?

indiemusicnerdgirl 20

I mean it sucks that she was planning on breaking up with you no doubt. But the fact that she even thought about your feelings is really nice of her. I do however think she could've found another way to go about this.