How could you?

By Anonymous - 07/10/2022 15:30

Today, my wife made me feel like an asshole for not leaving work to come home because she wasn't feeling good. I'm working at a jobsite 1.5 hours away from home, plus my vehicle wasn't at the jobsite either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 391
You deserved it 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Two sides to this one, aside from the practicalities of transportation: (1) Would wife find the loss of income if husband lost job for this as an acceptable trade off? I think not… (2) When you are feeling physically sick or mentally down you need your emotional support and that desire has little to do with practicality. It’s a “feeling” not a logical thing…


Two sides to this one, aside from the practicalities of transportation: (1) Would wife find the loss of income if husband lost job for this as an acceptable trade off? I think not… (2) When you are feeling physically sick or mentally down you need your emotional support and that desire has little to do with practicality. It’s a “feeling” not a logical thing…

Who was driving your vehicle? Your side piece? You need to bring roses to your wife and beg her forgiveness on bended knee.