By jobless - 01/12/2015 04:01 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, HR sent a review email to me asking me to anonymously tell them about my boss. I decided to use this opportunity to tell them what a dick he was. I printed off the review, filled it out, then scanned and emailed it to myself. Or so I thought. Turns out I'd sent the review to my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 471
You deserved it 18 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve97 32

Maybe your boss is hard on you because you make careless mistakes like this?

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Yeah, you're pretty anonymous now OP. Great job!


Next time don't risk it at all and just upload it to your private Google docs.

I doubt HR would support him firing you over a document that they requested you write.

juturnaamo 29

She could've quit out of embarrassment or to avoid the inevitable confrontation.

You thought your boss was hard on you, I don't think you've begun to see hard, he's going to make your life a living hell, but you brought this upon yourself

Mistakes happen, especially when you're stressed about getting caught. Hope you have someone to give you a good reference & I echo the advice of others - don't trust HR, they would have shared it anyway. HR is there for the interest of the company.

IcyShadowLordLOL 2

Lies. You don't simply type in the ENTIRE wrong email address of someone you know and not realize.

So many people have fmls like this. Like cmon people learn from this site and check your work

Deathfaith 0

Everyone keeps saying OP was probably fired, and I get that. But isn't there a certain kind of boss that likes a ballsy move like that?

They say that she was fired because of her username... 'jobless'.

momac86 17

Maybe he'll turn into a better person fingers crossed